Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The following is a Statement of FACT by Courtney Brown, Ph.D. not a Prediction !!!

The following is a Statement of FACT by
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. not a Prediction !!!

This is an exciting time. Something important is going to happen sometime next month,
in February 2014. Nothing can stop it now. There will be an announcement, and the world
will change on the date of that announcement. In the beginning, only a few will understand
the significance of the announcement, and what it means for all of humanity currently living
on this planet.

Some will laugh, and some will cry. But in time, the world will come to know that life on Earth
changed significantly on that day in February 2014. A mystery that has confused our civilization
for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future
growth of our species will arise.

No, there will not be Earth changes. No, the ETs will not land. No, the sky will not fall down,
and the Earth will not shake. No, President Obama will not reveal...whatever. What will be
announced is actually much bigger than all of that. Honest.

Yes, I know something that I am not talking about. I am making a statement of fact, not making
a prediction. But the reason for the delay is that much is going on right now. If everything was
ready, the announcement would happen tomorrow. But things are not quite ready yet. They will
be ready in February.

We will include news of the announcement on this newsletter. But much will happen on my
Facebook page, and there are already updates and energetic discussions going on currently on
that Facebook page. I want to encourage all who are interested to visit this page and watch and/or
participate. You can friend or follow the page as well so that you keep informed. Here is the link:


Again, this is an exciting time. The announcement will not be about Earth changes or anything
else that would disrupt normal lives. It will be about knew knowledge that will change the way all of
humanity thinks of its past, and its present. It will be a moment of profound learning, nothing more,
but nothing less. It will mark one of the most important moments in the history of our civilization.
Not everyone will agree, but eventually, that is how most people will come to see it.

The greatest changes occur on our planet not because physical things happen, but because new
knowledge enters into our consciousness. Some new knowledge is so big, it fills the horizon and
changes nearly everything.

Courtney Brown, Ph.D., Director
The Farsight Institute

Thursday, 23 January 2014

I was speaking to another NZer who is not on Facebook about your and Santos situations.

Kiri, I was speaking to another NZer who is not on Facebook about your and Santos situations... Here is the message they asked me to post to your wall below. Please listen to the recording in the message which may help you also:

"[1:02:03 AM] Keri and John Schwed: I had a discussion with Thomas earlier & this Santos Bonacci situation will be very interesting to watch in light of the broadcast he posted on Skype (yep funny place to post it). http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-48361/TS-821195.mp3
[1:05:27 AM] Keri and John Schwed: So the gist of what these guys have discovered is around the Strawman info in that 'living man' (flesh & blood), man named by the judge as a living breathing man who has to behave in intergrity under the office he serves....if you take the judge out of the fictional side & name him as a 'living man' then that brings him over to the COMMON LAW side.
[1:07:04 AM] Keri and John Schwed: Does that make sense?? Listen to the broadcast. If I am reading this right Santos has set himself up with this info at hand to face the system & show it up for what it is. Santos has the facts, the talk & the backing to be able to do this. All we need is one person to knock a hole in that wall & the wall comes crumbling down.
[1:09:23 AM] Keri and John Schwed: Australia is a good nut to crack here as it is somewhat of a testing ground for the US Corporation. There are many awake down under so this could be interesting folks. (clap)
[3:05:39 AM] Keri and John Schwed: Bill, could you please post this link on Kiri Campbells Facebook page just incase she doesn't have it. This is VITAL for her. Santos in Oz & her in NZ at the same time........boom! (clap)"

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

GRANT SEE uses Pope's Law .... how Interesting....

"As of today (Tuesday 22nd Jan 2014) it has been exactly 12 weeks since I received their offer and I have NOT heard a peep from them..."

"Dear Sheriff,

In regard to your letter;

Case No: 574/2013/L0010125


Payment Of Outstanding Judgement of Debt received by me on Thursday Oct 24th 2013 and my reply with the following THREE subject documents I emailed and posted to you on Thursday Oct 24th 2013 being;

1. Subject:

Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the Unlawful Payment of Alleged Outstanding Judgement of Alleged Debt"



Santos Bonacci Arrested and in Custody...
@ http://gnosticwarrior.com/santos-bonacci-arrested-and-in-custody.html

On late October 2013 I received an offer/CONtract (see link below) from the alleged Sheriff of NSW in regard to a fraud committed by alleged Local Court of NSW who fraudulently made a judgement without my consent for "Payment of Outstanding Judgement of Debt" and then proceeded to issue a "Writ Of Levy of Property" to steal my stuff for an alleged unpaid judgement debt allegedly owing to Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services...

I promptly transferred my car registration to a friend and posted and emailed the following letters to the Sheriff...

As of today (Tuesday 22nd Jan 2014) it has been exactly 12 weeks since i received their offer and I have NOT heard a peep from them...

It is my understanding that my letters subject: "Claim Of Right under the RULE OF PRIVATE NECESSITY" and "Sheriff's Officer of Lismore, you are "the chief Officer of the Crown"- SO PLEASE DO YOUR JOB...PLEASE DO YOUR SWORN DUTY... " may have had a little to do with it?

Thanks to my friend and truth warrior truth John Wilson "Rights and Wrongs" newsletters/web site for all the "poop" about the Sheriffs...


Case No: 574/2013/L0010125
Subject: Claim Of Right under the RULE OF PRIVATE NECESSITY

Monday October 28th 2013

Sheriff's Officer of Lismore

Dear Sheriff,

In regard to your letter;
Case No: 574/2013/L0010125
Subject: Payment Of Outstanding Judgement of Debt received by me on Thursday Oct 24th 2013 and my reply with the following THREE subject documents I emailed and posted to you on Thursday Oct 24th 2013 being;

1. Subject:
Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the Unlawful Payment of Alleged Outstanding Judgement of Alleged Debt

2. Subject:
Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services 'REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING'

3. Subject:
Sheriff's Officer of Lismore, you are "the chief Officer of the Crown"- SO PLEASE DO YOUR JOB...PLEASE DO YOUR SWORN DUTY...

I have served the people of this land with honor and distinction as a former 'student of merit' Australian SAS soldier.

I am 55 years of age, I am a divorced unemployed/pension (CRN 603 153 666J) parent of three children (15, 13 and 11) that I have 50% care and responsability for.

I wish to make a Claim Of Right under the RULE OF PRIVATE NECESSITY.
With the necessity being the means to sustain my life, as all food, shelter, clothing, means of travel and that which answers my / our need for happiness all has to be obtained or used in the realms of commerce.

All that I/we own is the basic necessity's for my children's and my self existence.
Apart from my children's personal belongings, most of our furniture, beds, shelving and including an old fridge, washing and computer (we don't have a TV) and small stereo has been kindly lent to me by family and friends.

The 1993 Toyota Tarago van has also been loaned to me by friends and although registered in their name I have always taken care of all running costs.

I have been renting the home ($335.00 per week from my pension) that myself and children have lived in since April 2006.

Apart from my fortnightly pension pyment, I have NO money in my bank account. I am flat broke.

With respect I ask for you to take all of the above into consideration.
And the fact that I have done all I could LAWFULLY do to remedy the matter of the 'alleged debt' with Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services...please see Subject 2. Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services 'REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING'

Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services have NEVER been able to lawfully produce this documentation within the time I requested and therfore by law we have an agreement that NO debt exists.

The entire political and court system of Australia is privately owned and controlled by the Central banks and corporations masquerading as the peoples Government.



BECAUSE, the JUDGES are FRIGHTENED you MIGHT DO YOUR JOB and arrest them as the imposters they are while pretending to be public servants of the people.

As a public servant to the people and with the highest lawful authority on this land: You are "the chief Officer of the Crown" and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has sworn the Coronation Oath "to execute Law and justice with Mercy in all (her) Judgments"

For over 100 years the Central Bankers and their traitor puppet politicians, judge's and other court jesters have been robbing blind EVERY Australian with their fraudulent and deceitful 'digital entry' debt slavery system...

@ http://hiddensecretsofmoney.com/videos/episode-4

Yours sincerely,
Grant-Anthony of the family See


Case No: 574/2013/L0010125
Subject: Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the Unlawful Payment of Alleged Outstanding Judgement of Alleged Debt

Thursday October 24th 2013

Sheriff's Officer of Lismore

Pope Francis Apostolic Letter / Roman Curia

"The Most Holy Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on July 11 and effective September 1, 2013 that effectively stripped away the immunity of all judges, lawyers, government officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia. All of these "persons" can now be held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, for the unlawful restrictions of the liberties of the divine spirit incarnate; for failure to settle the accounts; for continued prosecution of claims already settled, etc." - Ref; http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/motu_proprio/documents/papa-francesco-motu-proprio_20130711_organi-giudiziari_en.html

Dear Sheriff's Officer,

Please find the attached 'Notice of Foreclosure and Pope Francis Apostolic Letter' I would like to bring to your attention as my effort to bring peace, harmony, and clarity to what may be perceived as confusion and controversy regarding the Unlawful Payment of Alleged Outstanding Judgement of Alleged Debt; Case No: 574/2013/L0010125

Please note the attached is a direct result to recent worldwide developments unfolding that you may not be aware of that are changing things significantly…for the better.

As the Pope is the 'sole authority' of all corporations (fictions), all employees / OFFICERS / agents and other actors of corporations and 'their' corporations pretending to be true governments, all of which are established under the Roman Curia, ARE NO LONGER IMMUNE (please see attached Apostolic Letter).

An awakening is taking place on a massive scale that we are ALL participating in.

Many are coming to know that a few at the top of the food chain have enabled private for-profit corporations (some of which are masquerading as governments) to effectively enslave humanity through control of financial, government, military, judicial, and law enforcement systems and various policies/programs that affect taxation, energy advancement, food production, water safety, and basically every aspect of our lives.

You may be able to reflect on your own career to circumstances where you know this to be true as well…

The awakening is peaceful and it is for ALL people.
We intend peace with all who unknowingly and even knowingly contributed to the former slavery systems.

With regard to the Unlawful Payment of Alleged Outstanding Judgement of Alleged Debt; Case No: 574/2013/L0010125 and the attached Foreclosure Notice, I call your attention to the following:


Which means your former authority as Justice & Attorney General, Local Court at Downing Centre is no longer in effect, therefore, ANY ACTIONS you take as a 'former Sheriff's Officer', MAKE YOU PERSONALLY LIABLE, you have NO immunity from your actions as a ‘former Sheriff's Officer' due to the Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the OPPT UCC filings.

I strongly urge you to research the Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the OPPT UCC filings and for your edification. Citations are included in the Foreclosure Notice.

Times have changed, due to the Pope Francis Apostolic Letter and the OPPT UCC filings.

The 'old system' you used to work within is NO longer.

As the Pope Francis himself has done...if you 'look within' you will find what we are saying is absolute truth and transparent. A new lawful system of genuine fairness based on the Constitution, Common Law and Universal Law is upon us due to the OPPT UCC filings.

Therefore and under explicit instructions and 'sole authority' of the Apostolic Letter, I strongly urge that you take notice and govern yourself accordingly.

Without Prejudice.
By: Grant-Anthony of the family See, eternal essence inbody...

Pope Francis Apostolic Letter...
@ http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/motu_proprio/documents/papa-francesco-motu-proprio_20130711_organi-giudiziari_en.html


Case No: 574/2013/L0010125
Subject: Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services 'REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING'

Thursday October 24th 2013

Sheriff's Officer of Lismore

Dear Sheriff's Officer,

Below is the letter I emailed and sent via Australia Post to Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services; 'REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING' 27th of June 2013.

Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services FAILED TO RESPOND within 14 calendar days with the requested documentation (please see email below), point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law they identify and signed by a wet-ink signature - we therefore have an aggreement that all of the documentation is NOT available and does NOT exist.

Therefore and under explicit instructions and 'sole authority' of the Pope Francis Apostolic Letter...
@ http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/motu_proprio/documents/papa-francesco-motu-proprio_20130711_organi-giudiziari_en.html
I strongly urge that you take notice and govern yourself accordingly.

Without Prejudice.
By: Grant-Anthony of the family See, eternal essence inbody...

---- Original Message -----
From: Grant See
To: krjohn@pioneercredit.com.au ; rbrown@pioneercredit.com.au ; service@pioneercredit.com.au ; jensens@bigpond.net.au ; local_court_ballina@agd.nsw.gov.au
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:19 PM

Without Prejudice UCC 1-308

27 June 2013

Re: Pioneer Credit Acquisition Services & Commonwealth Bank Alleged Credit Card Debt


TAKE NOTICE: You are now acting with unlimited personal liability arising from the Foreclosure of all worldwide alleged Hierarchy, “Governments”, Banks, Legal Systems and all other Corporations by the unrebutted UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings of the One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT).
The OPPT UCC filings stand as International Law - to be INforced by the United Nations, Provost Marshalls and Protectors of the One People under Military Order UCC 20l2096074, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full (please see attached documentation "Banks & Governments" Foreclosed).

Attention Keith John (managing director of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES),
Paul Pellandine (Jensens solicitors, Lennox Head),
Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES,
& Presiding Magistrate / Registrar of Ballina Local Courts, NSW.



It has come to my attention that there may have been some irregularities with the alleged funding of the above referenced financial instrument. In order to address this issue you are requested to provide the following:

1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned re; the above alleged Credit Card financial instrument;

2. Produce documentation of the history of the origin of funds that your company purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaded re; the above financial instrument. History and origin of funds must show at least three [3] generations of the origin of funds;

3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds [prior title, ownership, and rights] from loaner to borrower [invoicing/receipts].

Please provide the above "duly verified" documents within 14 calendar days of your receipt of this request.

Your FAILURE TO RESPOND with the above requested documentation, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify and signed by your wet-ink signature, will be considered an admission that all of the documentation is NOT available and does NOT exist.


Understanding that all Corporations, "Governments" and Banks are one in the same, an “ORDER OF FINDING AND ACTION” was filed against the “the DEBTOR (Keith John, Paul Pellandine, Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES)”, a legal entity created via the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) process which encompasses ALL worldwide corporate entities.

The OPPT UCC filings claim that the Debtor (you/your corporation), “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against… citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent”.

See attached Commonwealth Bank vs Fed Reserve NY UCC 2008077211 and UCC "Human Capital/Collateral" COMMONWEALTH BANK.

UCC filings are public records, and follow standard administrative processes. When facing a claim, an entity (in this case “the Debtor”) is given the right of rebuttal. If a rebuttal is NOT received within the required timeframe, a default action then applies, followed by termination of that entity; in this case, on the grounds that it failed to rebut charges of treason by “the One People”.

The important thing to understand here is that a UCC filing stands as law if it remains unrebutted.

And in this case, the OPPT Trustees ensured they created a legal situation in which the individuals and entities that form “THE DEBTOR” had no ability to rebut.

How could they?


Of course, NO rebuttal has ever been received.

THE "DEBTOR" (Keith John, Paul Pellandine, Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES) IS THEREFORE GUILTY OF TREASON.


I am the conscious eternal essence embodied, transparent in absolute truth and love that may be referred to by the name that is called Grant. I DO NOT consent to be recognized as anything other than conscious eternal essence embodied (please see attached, Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth).

I DO NOT consent for you to recognize me through the legal identity name you find on your documents, and there is NO alleged authority, legal, lawful, roman or otherwise that authorizes you to recognize me through a name without my consent.
It is unrebutted as a matter of LAW, as a matter of FACT, and as a matter of PUBLIC POLICY that the OPPT has foreclosed on all alleged hierarchy.
No one stands between us and our Creator…NOT even “Government”- unless they/YOU are operating a SLAVERY SYSTEM?
If you continue to proceed with this fraudulent matter as a foreclosed entity, officer, agent, actor, banker, judge, or any other “imposter” - you will be held personally liable by your own free will choice for your actions, the aiding and abetting, operation and perpetuation of the former SLAVERY SYSTEMS, and YOU and all other “states of body” involved will be dealt with accordingly as instructed by the attached OPPT UCC filings; "ORDERS TO CEASE AND DESIST".

Take due notice and be governed accordingly.
Without Prejudice UCC 1-308

By: Grant-Anthony of the family See, as conscious eternal essence embodied, transparent in absolute truth and love… In standing, authority and universal law as PROTECTOR of the ONE PEOPLE under Military Order UCC 20l2096074, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full.


Case No: 574/2013/L0010125
Subject: Sheriff's Officer of Lismore, you are "the chief Officer of the Crown"- SO PLEASE DO YOUR JOB...PLEASE DO YOUR SWORN DUTY...

Thursday 24th October 2013

Dear Sheriff's Officer of Lismore,

Your job is "to ensure that people can exercise their rights in court in safety"..... this is on your own website.

When a Judge or magistrate DENIES anyone their inalienable RIGHT to TRIAL BY JURY, i.e.: to trial by LAW, RIGHT and OATH, it is your job to ARREST that Judge or Magistrate.

You are "the chief Officer of the Crown" and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has sworn the Coronation Oath "to execute Law and justice with Mercy in all (her) Judgments".

She has sworn to "to govern the Peoples of .... Australia ... according to their respective laws and customs" and to "maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel".

The most obvious Law of God is "Thou shalt not steal" and the greatest thieves in Australia are the BANKS who are protected by the JUDGES who deny us our rights, our laws and our liberties.



YOU, my dear SHERIFFS, are the LAST HOPE of preventing PEOPLE from resorting to the 4th BOX IN DEFENCE OF LIBERTY..... the AMMO BOX.

The PEOPLE and the very COUNTRY of AUSTRALIA are being DESTROYED by the BANKS and JUDGES.

The majority of AUSTRALIANS suffer from a severe LACK OF KNOWLEDGE about their laws and liberties ... plus they are mostly APATHETIC towards God and their neighbours.

They are often referred to as "SPEEPLE"........ however, that's no reason to "THROW THEM TO THE WOLVES".

But there are a growing number of PEOPLE who are discovering the TRUTH and learning that the RULE OF LAW is very much for their protection with "No free man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, or exiled or outlawed, or dispossessed, or destroyed in any way, nor shall we pass over him nor send over him, unless by the lawful judgment of his equals which is the law of the land" as the foundation of that RULE OF LAW.

So, what are you going to do?


Or are your going to GIVE NOTICE to the JUDICIARY that their behaviour is INTOLERABLE - in exactly the same way the STAR CHAMBER was INTOLERABLE and was subsequently ABOLISHED by the ACT OF HABEAS CORPUS 1641, which is an entrenched CONSTITUTIONAL ENACTMENT in AUSTRALIA....... it would bear you well to read it.

The PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA have a RIGHT to go to COURT for the redress and remedy of wrongs ..... and, because AUSTRALIA is a COMMON LAW JURISDICTION, every AUSTRALIAN has the inalienable RIGHT to "the lawful judgment of his equals" to achieve those ends and it was Lord Thomas Denning who said, "The purpose of a court in a civilized society is the vindication of men's rights and the enforcement of just causes".

It is the WILL of THE PEOPLE that we have that "civilized society".


We DEMAND to "exercise (-)our rights in court in safety".


Yours sincerely,
Grant-Anthony of the family See

....end of letters............

Santos Bonacci Arrested and in Custody...
@ http://gnosticwarrior.com/santos-bonacci-arrested-and-in-custody.html

John Wilson's RIGHTS and WRONGS.....

Writ For Levy Of Property... 22.Oct.2013...
@ http://sb.site-builder.ws/files/users/e/6E00C2F48B406355E040A8C0AC004A5F/Writ%20For%20Levy%20of%20Property...%2022%20Oct%202013.pdf

"When lawful, peaceful, non compliance to a private corporation pretending to be a true government becomes a jail-able offence - then I suppose I'm goin to jail and I'll accept it with honor as a gift to my journey and evolution because I know and my kids know that I'm not a criminal because the real criminals are and always have been 'the ones who write the rules that make their crimes legal' and I mean legal - NOT lawful..."
~ Grant Anthony of the family See:
Grafton, NSW jail inmate MIN# 528012 (16 to 29 July 2013).
Kidnapped and falsely jailed for 28 days (served 14) for alleged contempt of their 'privately owned' summary conviction unlawful and treasonous (warring against the Constitution) courts...

Monday, 20 January 2014

“NOT FOR HIRE”: The Magic Words To Get You Out Of Any Ticket You’ll Ever Get


A friend of mine went in arguing an aggressive “no cargo, no passenger” exception and he is approached by a Police Officer after the hearing.
Officer told my friend in secret that if you are traveling and get pulled over we are suppose to let you go as soon as you announce that you are not for hire.  He said that every state legislature has early bills that clearly state the “for hire” requirement to invoke the motor vehicle code.  He then added that the statutes, which are not law, just reference to law, has conveniently removed /dropped the “offered to the public for hire” language.

My friend has won every ticket of no plate, no registration, no insurance, no operator license for the last several years. My friend wants to remain anonymous and wants to keep the Officer as a confidant.
I have recently tried to enter a Nebraska 1905 bill that said just that into a trafic case of mine the judge denied the exhibit, so now I am going back the the State archives and get a certified copy of the original bill, he will be forced to accept that evidence, as a matter of law.  They gave me 90 days, and they know I won my case, stay tuned.

I, Paul John Hansen, recently put a Not FOR HIRE plate on my motorcycle and just last week a cop pulled up read it and then pulled around me and went on his way.
The whole story will come soon.
(( It is believed that even if you have a state plate, by placing a “NOT FOR HIRE” below it takes you out of the scope of the Vehicle Statutes and Municipal Codes.  This is yet to be tested. ))
by Paul John Hansen Source:http://www.pauljjhansen.com/?p=474

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Update: ITCCS website taken down once more - January 7, 2014

FROM KEVIN ANNETT "It's Nice to be Appreciated Department Update: ITCCS website taken down once more - January 7, 2014
Our www.itccs.org site was hacked and taken down again, apparently from the same source as last time: a hacker based in Europe. My, don't the Vatican idiots worry - as they should, since our next common law court case is aimed at the present Pope, Jorge Bergoglio, his role in child trafficking, and his Jesuit backers. Anyway, the new website will be reconstructed and up soon, along with a new website devoted entirely to the Common Law Courts we are building in 21 countries. Stay tuned as well for a youtube broadcast this week about all this and the mass graves of children in Canada. Carrying on!"

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Will this Australian election be constitutionally "lawful"?

Arjay was asked (in regards to the election) the following question.

One that he would have been asked (again), IF he has had the "balls" to have accepted my challenge.

You may care to pass it on to him.

I mean, I asked the AEC the same question.

The AEC deleted their answer, within an hour of me asking it.

Their answer? Let's see what Arjay's own answer is, 1st?


Will this Australian election be constitutionally "lawful"? And if so, what constitution will it relate to?

That of the 1900/1901 Commonwealth Constitution?


That of the Australian Constitution of the Whitlam Government, from 1986?

Monday, 6 January 2014

The State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) NSW ABN

The State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) NSW even tell you there ABN 77 456 270 638. on there web page... http://www.sdro.nsw.gov.au/about/

About us

The State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) is the fines division of the Office of State Revenue (OSR).
We are responsible for the receipt and processing of fines issued by various government agencies and authorities, and administering the fine enforcement system for the collection of unpaid fines.
Our authority is outlined in the Fines Act 1996.
ABN 77 456 270 638.

Speeding fines.

If the McDonalds' Corporation were to install Speed Limit signs (in their Drive throughs) at say 2 KM/hr - and had installed speed cameras that caught you doing 5 KMs/hr, could they send you a FINE for say $400.00 and expect you to pay it?

What if they 'did a deal' with SPER (here in Qld's), in a money making exercise whereby they sold that 'perceived' debt onto them (for say, 30c in the dollar), could you lose your car for not paying SPER's demand?

Isn't that what is happening - and what Queensland Motorway Pty Ltd (a private company) have done with their privately owned roads and Toll ways?


Homemade toothpaste without poison

someone asks for the recipe for my toothpaste, so here we go again:

Homemade toothpaste without poison, and especially without the dangerous sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is added to make you a stupid zombie. Besides the fluoride is blocking the pineal gland in the brain, and your consciousness sinks. This is why some antidepressants are made of 96% fluoride!.... well, it also destroys your bones and teeth!

Here you go .... the world's healthiest, most simple and cheapest toothpaste :

2 big spoons Coconut oil 1 spoon - baking soda ( sodium bicarbonate ) 20-30 drops - essential peppermint drops

Take a plate, start with coconut oil and baking soda, and then the drops .... Mix with a fork ......

After first brushing you will notice your teeth are more white.....

Coconut oil kills bacteria and provide a healthy layer of the teeth, unlike glycerin which is also added in most organic toothpastes ..... The glycerin place a layer on the teeth so they can not absorb the nutrients they need. It takes approx. 30 tooth brushings to scrub it of ...... Peppermint drops also kills bacteria and gives good taste ..... Baking Soda is pure alkaline ..... It also prevents cancer and radioactivity....

How to make a wonderful exfoliate :

Mix baking soda and coconut oil!

The natural fluoride in nature is called Calcium Fluoride and the bodu actually needs a little of that! Calcium Fluoride found bl.ai water , nuts and fish ....... Sodium Fluoride on the other hand, is synthetic and NOT natural .... It is a waste product of aluminum and phosphorus industry and is EXTREMELY TOXIC ...... Nazis used it in concentration camp. They added it to the prisoners water, so they were manageable and non rebellious zombies ..... Concentration camps and other Nazi agencies were testing centers ..... a kind of preparation for psychotropics...... and it was also these Nazi chemical experts that became leaders in Big Pharma after the WW2 ..... Investigate OPERATION PAPERCLIP! Rockefeller was behind much of the finance of WW2 ..... It was also his chemical companies, that later became medicine factories ..... Folks: Everything that comes from that industry is toxic and harmful ..... AND THEY KNOW IT !

Remember to share this post far and wide so we can get Colgate, zendium ,Oral-B and all the other crap companies to go bankrupt .... They poison us!

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Police ID card

I found police constable Martin Krenes to be a nice kind of bloke in a brief chat with him recently at Carina Police Station, here in Brisbane.

When I received his "ID" business card from him I proceeded to tell him that he was committing a crime in that he was actually passing off this NAME (as a 'dead' fiction person - on the card), in order to deceive others.

I told him that this (his surname on the card) was not his NAME and that it was an 'in CAPS' corporate 'construct' (his surname), coming from off his Birth Certificate.

I told him he was 'acting' as that dead person (or, corporation) and in his work, he deceives 'living flesh and blood humans' by UNlawfully attempting to contract with them. (To get them to anwer to, their "state" constructed, corporate name.)

I wonder if constable Martin Krenes know the law?

That ....

A Corporation cannot "Contract" to a living breathing conscious human being.

A Corporation can only "Contract" to another Corporate Entity and is Done with 'our' Signature and 'our' consent as "WE" are said to represent 'our' LEGAL PERSON or, a CORPORATION .... that has been UNlawfully constructed around the issuance of a Licence, etc.


It's all becoming such a dangerous "game" for contracted enforcers and all other humans in any state contracted situation who are now Liable (since September 1st) for any and all the criminal, coersive, deceitful 'means' they are (likely) unknowingly using, when 'only doing their job'.

Blacks Law


In criminal law. To assume the person (character) of another, without his consent or knowledge, in order to deceive others, and, in such feigned character, to fraudulently do some act or gain some advantage, to the harm or prejudice of the person counterfeited.

Law Dictionary: http://thelawdictionary.org/personate/#ixzz2pNniz6UO